瀏覽人次: 9024


       為促進國內、外從事觸媒相關研究及應用人員間之交流,提昇觸媒相關領域之研究水準及產業技術,以締造永續發展之優質環境。國內多位產學業界同仁代表提倡成立「台灣觸媒學會」(Catalysis Society of Taiwan),並推舉翁鴻山等人擔任籌備委員,學會籌備委員會於民國993月召開第一次學會籌備(發起人)會議及「第28屆台灣觸媒與反應工程研討會」籌備會議,會中除擬定章程草案外,並研議確認學會設立進程。在大家努力下,「台灣觸媒學會」籌備會在收集五十餘位發起人的資料後,於 994月正式函文向內政部申請設立。並於524正式獲內政部回文同意辦理。99624,正式召開學會成立大會及第一屆第一次會員大會,並進行第一屆理、監事選舉。隨後召開第一屆理、監事會聯席會並推選雷敏宏教授為第一屆理事長。

  1. Historical Sketch:
Catalysis Society of Taiwan (CST) was officially inaugurated in June, 2010, with a mandate to promote the growth and development of catalysis R&D in Taiwan. The predecessor of CST is the Catalysis Club of Taiwan (CCT), established in early 1970’s. Members of CST compose of academic and industrial colleagues in the fields of catalysis, zeolites, and reaction engineering in Taiwan. CST annual meeting is a continuation of the annual symposium entitled “Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (TSCRE)” of CCT. The 40th TSCRE organized by CST was just held in Tainan (a southern city in Taiwan) in June 28-30, 2023.
CST and the predecessor (CCT) have contributed in diverse ways to promote fraternity between Taiwanese catalysis society and international societies. We are among founding members of Asia-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (APACS) since 2004. As an active member of international catalysis community, we have organized several international conferences on relevant fields and have initiated collaboration & friendships with catalysis societies in Asia. For examples, the 6th Asia Pacific Congress on Catalysis (APCAT-6) was organized and held in Taiwan in 2013. International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass (ISCCB-2016) was held in Taiwan in 2016, which was one of pre-conferences of the 16th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC-16) held in Beijing, China. The 1st TICC (2022 Taipei International Conference on Catalysis) was organized and held in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2022. The 2nd TICC (2023 Taiwan International Conference on Catalysis) was held in Tainan, Taiwan, in 2023. Moreover, many annual and/or biannual bilateral symposia with societies of Japan (1973--present), Korea (1983--1995), China (2000--present), and Vietnam (2015--present) have been held. The first bilateral symposium between Taiwan and Thailand will be held in Thailand in December of 2023.
  1. Present Status:

Catalysis Society of Taiwan (CST) has 243 registered members at present. CST plans to take special initiatives for nurturing young researchers across the country, facilitating collaboration between industry-government-academia and building bridges between generations of catalysis scientists, and promoting linkages with international catalysis activities. CST organizes at least two workshops on catalysis per year, offering training courses on catalysis-related subjects, including material synthesis, characterization, fundamental theories and applications in industry. CST also organizes seminars and meetings regularly. For examples in 2019, before COVID-19 pandemic, Professor Mark Davis presented a speech entitled “A 30 Year Journey to the Synthesis of the First Enantiomerically-Enriched Molecular Sieve” in Taiwan University on October 3rd, 2019. Professor Hisahiro Einaga presented “Design of metal oxide catalysts for air pollution control” in the same university on October 18th. Professor George W. Huber presented “The Design of Catalytic Processes for the Conversion of Biomass into Fuels and Chemicals” in Cheng-Kung University on October 30th. A workshop entitled “2019 Metal-Organic Frameworks Workshop in Taiwan (MOF Taiwan-2019)” was held in National Taiwan University on November 16th. Ten speakers from Taiwan, USA, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Singapore have presented the speeches respectively. A workshop entitled "The Catalytic Conversion of C1 Chemicals" was held in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on December 20th, 2019. Moreover, in 2023, after the ease of COVID-19, Professor William Green (from MIT) gave a speech entitled "Predictive Kinetics: Examples and Challenges" in Taiwan University on June 14th. Professor Takashi Tatsumi received an honor membership from our society and gave a speech entitled "Toward Sustainable Production of Basic Chemicals" in our annual meeting on June 29th, 2023.