
标题 张贴日期
C1化学品催化转换工作坊, 由台科大江志强教授及本会林昇佃理事规划及筹备, 于2019年12月20日在国立台湾科技大学举行, 该研讨会是由台湾理论计算分子科学学会本学会共同筹备及主办.
2019 Metal-Organic Frameworks Workshop in Taiwan (MOF Taiwan-2019) was held in Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University on November 16, 2019.
Seminar of Advances and Innovations of Heterogeneous Catalysis was held in Department of Chemical Engineering of National Cheng Kung University on October 30, 2019.
Professor Hisahihro Einaga (Kyushu University) gave a speech entitled “Design of Metal Oxide Catalysts for Air Pollution Control”, in Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University on October 18, 2019.
Professor Mark Davis (California Institute of Technology) gave a speech entitled “A 30 Year Journey to the Synthesis of the First Enantiomerically-Enriched Molecular Sieve”, in Department of Chemistry of National Taiwan University on October 3rd, 2019.
2019暑期基础触媒工作坊(固体触媒基本原理与鑑定), 已于8月15日与8月16日于台湾大学博雅馆圆满举行。
The 3rd Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Symposium on Catalysis (a bilateral meeting between Taiwan and Vietnam) was held in Tseng-Jiang Hall of National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, on July 7-8, 2019.
Taiwan-Japan Seminar of Renewable Energy, H2 Utilization, CO2 and Biomass Conversion was held in Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University on May 24, 2019.
2019工业触媒工作坊, 由万本儒秘书长,童国伦理事,及蔡铭璋理事规划及筹备, 已于2019年1月17日(星期四)在高雄(中油)宏南教室举行。